ส่วนประกอบสำคัญ :
Coconut Oil :
Coconut Oil is rich in Vitamin E that helps to soften skin, smooth, nourish to keep skin moist, reduce the problem of dry skin and heel cracks.
Olive Oil Cosmetic Grade :
improves the intrinsic properties of Pomace Olive Oil. Helps to nourish the skin to be soft, smooth, not dry, rich in vitamin E and fatty acids that are beneficial to the skin And also helps prevent skin irritation.
Rice Bran Oil :
contains the important substances such as Vitamin E, Phytosterols and Gamma-Oryzanol which are antioxidants substances, wrinkles reduction, nourishing lips to be firm, supple, looks smooth, youthful, reduce melanin production, toning blackness lips to look lighter.
Tocopheryl Acetate :
is a highly effective Vitamin E when compared with other types of Vitamin E, which acts as to protect skin from free radicals, reduce wrinkles, revitalize skin to be healthy, protecting the skin from UV light, helps reduce the loss of water from cells make skin moisturize.